Meet the owner.

Hello Everyone. My name is Sarah. I am a wife and a stay at home mom of two adorable little boys. After the birth of my second son I decided not to return back to work and stay home to raise my children instead. In between taking care of them I find time to create adorable plushies and cat toys. This has not only helped me mentally but also financially. This website is another step of my small business journey. Thank you for taking the time to check it out!

How it all began!

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I have been crafting different things for as long as I could remember but The Sparkly Craft Room began when the pandemic hit in March of 2020. I was pregnant with my first son and with being stuck at home I decided to pick crochet back up. A friend asked me to crochet his cat a catnip toy and I never stopped. Since then I have added tons of styles of cat toys and plushies to my list of things I create.

With every purchase, you support my small business and help make caring for my family possible!

Thank you!